
01. How I can be sure that I will get a genuine product?

LuxarMart’s quality verification experts make sure that the seller’s product quality exactly matches the specification published on the site and not fake. They thoroughly check all the products before giving the approval to ship the product to the buyer. We follow 2 point checking system where each product is checked by 2 independent experts who have expertise in testing the product of that domain. The quality verification team has trained experts having better skills to verify the quality of a product. So you can be rest assured that you will getting a genuine product whose quality will be matching with the detailed description published by the seller on which you are making a decision to buy the product.

02. What is a Bid and how do I buy on LuxarMart?

There are two ways to buy on LuxarMart: placing a bid or Buying Now.
A Bid signals your intent to buy - it is your financial offer for an item on LuxarMart. All bids are placed in order from high to low on an item’s product page. You can select the number of days until a bid expires: 1, 3, 4 or 7. We’ll send an email/notification when your Bid is about to expire so you can renew it or let it go. You can also cancel or update your bid any time before an Ask meets it.

03. How long does it take to receive my order?

LuxarMart strives to complete all orders within 7-12 business days, (that doesn’t include weekends or holidays), however, most orders are completed sooner. Shipping times vary depending on how quickly the seller sends the item to us to be authenticated. Once your item has successfully gone through the verification process, you will receive tracking information for your purchase.

04. My item has been "Received at LuxarMart for Authentication," but I haven't been paid out yet. How long does the verification process take?

The verification process normally takes 1-2 business days. The process can extend a few days if there are issues with the item requiring further inspection from our Quality Assurance team.

05. My item is "Awaiting Carrier Pickup." What does that mean?

Congratulations! Your authentic product is sitting on our dock ready to be picked up by a shipping carrier. Once our shipping carrier partners pick up your order we will send your tracking number.

06. My Bid/Ask just got accepted. Can I cancel it?

Once a sale has occurred, your Ask or Bid cannot be cancelled. This policy is in place to maintain marketplace integrity, as we need to ensure every Bid and Ask is real, active, and dependable.
Remember, there is a buyer or seller on the other side of the transaction that is expecting it to be fulfilled. When you place a Bid or Ask for an item on LuxarMart, you are committing to the transaction should a match occur.
As a Buyer, we encourage you to resell your purchase if you no longer want it, once it has been received and as long as it meets the condition guidelines.

07. What is an Ask and how do I sell on LuxarMart?

There are two ways to sell on LuxarMart: placing an Ask or Selling Now.
An Ask signals your intent to sell - it is a listing designating the specific price that you are willing to sell your item for. You can set the number of days until an ask expires: 1, 3, 7, 14, 30, or 60. You’ll get an email/notification when your Ask is about to expire so you can renew it or let it go. You can cancel or update an ask anytime before it meets a bid.

08. Placing an Ask

If you have set a Ask, buyers who place a matching bid will automatically buy from you. Once your Ask meets a Bid, the transaction is captured automatically.

09. The Selling Tab

In your LuxarMart account, under the selling tab, you can find your categories Current, Pending, and History.
Current: displays all of your available Asks
Pending: displays all of your confirmed sales
History: displays all completed sales

10. How do I pay for a product?

If you are choosing “Buy Now” option then we offer a variety of payment methods to choose from. You could pay via credit card, UPI or by making a bank transfer or online transfer. If you are planning to Bid for the product then you will need to have a valid credit card and if your bid is accepted then payment will be automatically deducted from your credit card.

11. How do I find out the condition of the pre-owned products available?

If you are choosing “Buy Now” option then we offer a variety of payment methods to choose from. You could pay via credit card, UPI or by making a bank transfer or online transfer. If you are planning to Bid for the product then you will need to have a valid credit card and if your bid is accepted then payment will be automatically deducted from your credit card.The condition of the products sold could vary. You can see the images to get an idea of the true condition of each product. To ensure that you are getting the product what you are seeing in the image/images, during product verification we make sure that the true condition of the product is same as displayed in the photographs.

12. Do I get a warranty for pre-owned product purchased from LuxarMart?

Given the strict quality checks we conduct, we ensure that you receive products that are in 100% working condition. However, we do not provide an warranty on the product.

13. How long does it take for the inspection of a product?

The inspection of a product takes about one to three business days.

14. How long will it take before I receive payment for my product?

After genuineness of the product is established by our experts we process the payment. You can expect it to hit your account after 7-8 working days once the product is picked from your place.

15. How will I get paid?

We will do electronic transfer(RTGS/NEFT) for the payment in your bank account that you have mentioned while publishing the product.

16. I don’t have the original invoice, warranty, or box for my product. Will it affect the price that I can get for the product?

Unfortunately, this will impact the price. Customers consider these items important when they’re looking to buy pre-owned products.

17. Is there a limit on the number of products I can sell?

We don’t limit the number of products that you can sell. Feel free to reach out to us with more pieces from your collection.

18. How do I know that the product I buy is genuine?

Each pre-owned product we receive is examined by the discerning eyes of experienced product makers for authenticity. Any dubious products are returned to the seller, while only genuine products are shipped to the buyers. Hence, you can rest assured that any product you purchase from LuxarMart is 100% genuine.

19. Can I place more than one bid on the same product?

No, on any listed product one user can place only one bid. In case you have cancelled your bid or it got cancelled then you can re-bid for the same product by placing the bid again.

20. Can I decline to ship my product after my product has been sold?

Once your product has been bought by any buyer, you are bound by your commitment to ship your product. In case you decline to handover your product for the shipment then a penalty will be imposed on you and it will be deducted from your credit card.

21. I have more questions. How can I get in touch with you?

In case you have any unanswered questions, or queries specific to certain products, please feel email us at